Piper's Poker Blog

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Killing productivity one post at a time

Iggy is at it again.: "And so, anyone working right now, go hit this 20 questions site and kill some time. A hoist of the Guinness to Grubette for the link. Safe for work and purty good coding."

Computer wins

You were thinking of a poker chip.
You said it is classified as Mineral, I say Other.
Would you use it daily? You said Sometimes, I say No.
Would you give it as a gift? You said Sometimes, I say No.

Damn. It guessed right, AND it says it don't know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Training Wheels

Aunt Maudie : "I picked up Small Stakes Hold-Em on Saturday and read the first section on pre-flop hands. I then created a visual chart based on the recommendations for tight games on pages 80-81 (a chart on loose games is forthcoming). With chart at the ready, I fired up Party Poker and sat at a $1/$2 game and played pre-flop according to Miller. I then proceeded to have my rear quarters handed to me."

I gotta get SSHE.

Monday, September 27, 2004

The 2+2 Forums: Is this you? Or how to judge a player using PT.

The 2+2 Forums: Is this you? Or how to judge a player using PT.: "Is this you? Or how to judge a player using PT. "

Post by MS Sunshine on using PT. More stuff to digest.

Pot odds and probability

FREAK'S Sports & Gambling Forum: Pot odds and probability: "Probability is a huge factor in texas hold 'em. Players use odds to determine their actions. The chances of finishing a flush or a straight, the probablity of getting an overcard, the percentage of times you're going to flop a set to match your pocket pair are all important factors in poker. Knowledge of these statistics is key to winning. In online games especially with very few (if any) tells, statistical knowledge becomes the main factor when choosing whether to bet, call, or fold"

Short article on calculating pot odds.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

WTO ruling on Net betting downplayed

MSNBC - WTO ruling on Net betting downplayed

A World Trade Organization decision last week upholding a challenge to U.S. Internet gambling laws made waves around the world, but most experts say it will have little — if any — any impact on U.S. efforts to clamp down on online betting.

No one denies that the tiny Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda hit a public relations home run in winning a favorable preliminary ruling on March 24 from a WTO dispute-resolution panel. The details of the ruling have not yet been made public, but negotiators from both sides say the panel agreed with Antigua's argument that U.S. laws and efforts to combat Internet betting amount to anti-competitive protectionism of its domestic gambling industry.


Even if it is upheld on appeal — a process that could take two years or more — the United States can be expected to ignore it, he said.

“My guess would be that if it holds up, we would decide this isn’t worth doing and let Antigua do its worst,” Gresser said. Under that scenario, Antigua would have a right to impose retaliatory trade measures against the United States, but any punishment the island nation would exact would be "kind of trivial,” he said.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Best Damn Hand In Poker

Best Damn Hand In Poker: "The Fundamental Theorem Of 72o:
- 'Any time you aggressively play seven deuce off suit, the universe will bend the laws of short term probability in order to re-balance the long term probability abuses by those trashy players who only play premium hands.' - Celeryman, 2004."

Words escape me. The sheer genius of this cannot be denied. Since everyone else folds this, it should win for me. Grubby's Hammer is a wonderful hand.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Long vs short

My last post is a very good reason for Iggy to keep up the uber post. Someone's gotta write something worth reading.

NL vs Limit

I’ve had a few horrible .5/1 sessions, where every hand worth playing ends being second best. Some were bad calls on my part, not giving the other player credit for hand ( not that they had showed anything but garbage before anyway.)

I keep trying to tell myself it’s just variance, but a red 4BB/hour over 1500 hands hurts.

After reading about some of the success others (SirFWALGMan) have had at the 25NL ring games, and thinking about my performance at 5/1 and 10/1 SnG’s, I decided to give the NL game a try.

First thing I noticed, suckouts are MUCH more rare, since I can make it far too expensive to just keep calling.

Second, I can easily trap myself, and really need to pay attention to the other players, and not WSOP. When a LAG just calls a pot sized raise, look out. It’s NOT a sign of a weak hand.

Over 4 sessions, about 6 hours of play, I’m up nearly $50. Part of this is just playing tight, with a little fear, and being aggressive with good hands. Part is having the deck just hit me hard for a bit, with a couple of maniacs.

New hand history

What does everyone think about the new hand history with Party/Empire and Pokertracker?

I think I like haveing the histories automatically saved locally, I just need to figure out how to get PT to read them.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Genius of the Poker has a GOOD session

"Well this is the part of my trip I've been dying to write about. Think of it as a little reward for those of you who've managed to slog through the last 3 parts of this boring trip report.

Fasten your seatbelts , cause the real story is about to start."